INNOVATIVE (ECO-)TECHNOLOGY, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT <p>Peer-reviewed the proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Innovative (Eco-) Technology, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development (IECOTERD)” (<strong>ISSN 2538-7936</strong>) has been issued annually since 2014. The articles are published in English and Russian.<br>The international scientific-practical conference “Innovative (Eco-) Technology, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development” is the annual event of the Technology Faculty at Kauno Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences organized in cooperation with foreign partners.<br><br><strong>Topics of the proceedings:</strong><br>• Regional economics and management of technologies<br>• Language teaching and communication technologies.<br>• Application of advanced technologies in the medicine, biomedicine and sport<br>• Food technologies and innovations.<br>• Computerscience, application and future development.<br>• (Eco)materials and technologies and it application for energy sources.<br>• Mikro, nano materials, physical properties and application in different technological fields.<br>• Information technologies in mathematics and measurement engineering<br>• New technological and engineering solutions and advanced materials.<br><br>The manuscripts submitted by the authors are verified by plagiarization verification system and plagiarized cases are discarded. The responsibility for the originality of the contents lies on the author/s.<br>The proceedings of previous conferences are available online&nbsp;<a href=""><br></a><strong><span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="en"><br>Publication documents</span>:&nbsp;</strong><br><a href="">requirements for the article</a>; <a href="">paper example</a><a href="">;</a>&nbsp;<a href="">article review form.</a></p> en-US INNOVATIVE (ECO-)TECHNOLOGY, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2538-7936 FREQUENCY OF MICROSCOPIC FUNGI IN THE UPPER LAYER SOIL OF CONIFEROUS TREE STANDS <p>The present study was designed to examine the frequency and prevalence of microscopic fungi in the top layer of mineral soil of native Pinus sylvestris L., Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. and alien Thuja occidentalis L. and Larix sibirica Lebed tree stands. Studies on fungi frequency were conducted in January, March, May, July, August and November of 2020, the prevalence of fungi genera – in March of 2021. Biochemical composition (N, Corg, Ca, lignin) of investigated tree litter was also rated. By the carbon and nitrogen (C:N) and lignin and nitrogen (Lig:N) ratios, the slowest decompositions were of the T. occidentalis litter and the fastest one – of P. abies litter. Most abundant microscopic fungi were found in early spring (March) and late autumn (November) and the least one – at the end of summer (August). The biggest average frequency of microscopic fungi was in the soil of T. occidentalis and the least one – in P. sylvestris stands. The higher lignin content and Lig:N ratio in litter positively influenced the number of microscopic fungi in upper layer of mineral soil. The largest part (80 – 39%) of fungi in all investigated stands soil consisted of Penicillium Link, Geomyces Traaen and Mucor P. Micheli ex L. genera. The composition of fungi genus differed most from other stands in T. occidentalis soil. The greatest diversity of fungal genera was found in P. sylvestris stand soil.</p> Nijolė Maršalkienė Maris Senkovs ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2021-12-13 2021-12-13 5 4 8 CIRCULAR ECONOMY – THE OVERVIEW OF GOOD PRACTICE IN EUROPE <p>The concept of a circular economy is a challenge, but at the same time a great opportunity for economic and social development. Actions taken at the national level are necessary due to the depletion of natural resources, and more importantly, changes in the environment that have a negative impact on human life and health. New business models, corresponding to the assumptions of the circular economy concept, result in the creation of new opportunities for enterprises. It is important to promote experiences and good practices in the development of the circular economy at the national level. The aim of the article is to review good practices and experiences of selected countries in the field of circular economy, along with an indication of available sources of funding. The desk research is part of the implementation of Intellectual Output 1 and 2 of the EnMind Erasmus+ Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices project. The project consists in the development of a Toolkit addressed to youth workers that will allow them to support and help young people who want to start a social entrepreneurship. The presented good practices have been selected from the circular economy database in practice, and the presented case studies represent entities with a uniform scale and scope of activity.</p> Luis Ochoa Siguencia Zofia Gródek-Szostak Renata Ochoa-Daderska ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2021-12-13 2021-12-13 5 9 13 INVESTIGATION OF THE LUSITANIAN SLUG (ARION LUSITANICUS MABILLE) DAMAGE <p>The Lusitanian slugs (Arion lusitanicus Mabille) is one of the species of invasive animals originated from Spain and Portugal, Lusitania region in particular. The slugs were first detected in 2008 in Kaunas, Lithuania. The spread of this species is rapidly increasing, which creates unfavourable conditions for growing plants in gardens, orchards, and other areas. The study was carried out in the orchard of Vytautas Magnus University Botanical Garden by controlling their damage by applying mulch of buckwheat husks. The aim of the research was to identify the effectiveness of buckwheat husks as a natural plant waste in protecting garden plants from damage caused by the Lusitanian slugs. In 2021, the study was carried out in the training garden, the collection department of VMU Botanical Garden. The benefits of mulching lettuce with buckwheat husks to protect them from invasive slug damage have been analysed. The lettuce examined were grown in 1.2 m width beds, where the gaps between vegetable beds were surrounded by a well-maintained lawn. There were four replicates of the study, when the area of 1 m2 was investigated. At the investigated sites, plants were mulched with a dry, loose, and clean buckwheat husk layer of 5 cm thickness. The damage caused by the Lusitanian slugs was recorded by measuring damage on plant leaves and converting the damage into the percentage expression. The phytofixation method was used. Damage was assessed on a five-point scale, where 0 points - plants undamaged, 1 point - damaged up to 15%, 2 points - damaged from 15 to 30 per cent 3 points - damaged from 30 to 50 per cent, 4 points - damaged from 50 to 75 per cent, 5 points - damaged (destroyed) from 75 to 100 per cent of leaves of the investigated plants. The results of the research showed that the use of special partitions made from buckwheat husks and mulching of vegetables can control the damage of invasive slugs. Minor damage was found in vegetables mulched with buckwheat husks: damage from 1 to 2 points. In the control site, where the plants were not mulched with buckwheat husks, the damage was 3 points. Having assessed the damage, it can be stated that the activity of Lusitanian slugs was affected by less favourable environmental conditions: sunny days, high ambient air temperature, limited level of precipitation and a wellmaintained environment, as there were no shady places and high grasslands or other common shelters for slugs.</p> Donatas Klimavičius Sonata Kazlauskaitė ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2021-12-13 2021-12-13 5 14 19 SPORT MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS IN POST INDUSTRIAL REGIONS ON EXAMPLE OF CITIES IN SILESIA PROVINCE <p>Contemporary sport is a social and economic phenomenon. These two areas require special analysis in the process of managing the development of sport by city administrations. The restructuring of the region's economy and the closure of heavy industry companies are changing the methods of financing sports. The main aim of the article is to indicate the key problems of sport management by the city governments in the time of socio-economic changes in Poland for last years, on the example of the one of the most industrialized regions in Europe – Silesia province. To achieve this aim, the methods of analyzing the literature of the subject, reports on sport market and strategic documents of selected city administrations were used. The study focuses on cities where for many years sport was financed from the budgets of the largest companies (heavy industry companies). The author is aware of the limitations associated with this research and inference resulting from a small research sample and the dynamics of changes in the economy but the process of economic changes in the region is still strongly influencing on sport market. The involvement of public funds both from the city and the central administration seems necessary. Especially with regard to the maintenance of the existing sports infrastructure. Money for sports clubs requires clear access criteria and transparency in decision-making processes. It is important to strategically plan the development of sport. The development ought to be understood not only as a numerical / quantitative growth, but also a qualitative one. The described and analyzed factors influencing the development of the sport market, including in particular the management dilemmas during economic changes in Europe, can be used by local governments to effectively support sport development market. The article has been based on analyzing many former and still existing strategic documents which are referring to sport management in the region. Author and also has referred to the concept of the development of the sport market in the time of industrial changes in Silesia province.</p> Krzysztof Cieślikowski ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2021-12-13 2021-12-13 5 20 26 WASTE SORTING IN LITHUANIA: IS INNOVATION NEEDED? <p>The article analyses the waste sorting situation in Lithuania, focusing on the issue of municipal waste sorting. The theoretical aspects of waste sorting suggest that waste sorting is a problematic area of sustainable development that constantly requires innovation to re-evaluate the waste sorting hierarchy. After the analysis of scientific literature, assessment of Lithuanian waste sorting infrastructure, analysis of municipal waste management statistics, it was established that changes and innovations are necessary to improve the situation of municipal waste management in Lithuania. The results of the empirical study showed that innovations must be implemented not only in order to upgrade the waste sorting infrastructure, but also by raising the awareness of the entire population, a responsible approach to waste sorting.</p> Rasa Bartkutė Vitalija Skėruvienė ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2021-12-13 2021-12-13 5 27 37 INTERNAL QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF KAUNAS UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAM “SOFTWARE SYSTEMS” FROM THE STUDENTS’ POINT OF VIEW <p>The popularization of quality assurance systems in educational institutions and business enterprises encourages the implementation of internal quality assurance systems in most Lithuanian higher education institutions. Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Kaunas UAS) strives to remain competitive in the education system and is responsible for ensuring internal quality, implementation and improvement of the system. For this purpose, it conducts regular reviews of study programs based on the views of students, graduates, faculty, and employers. In order to improve the activities of the Kaunas UAS, it periodically conducts surveys and research of students in order to find out their opinion on the internal quality assessment. It requires feedback, which is most commonly used in student surveys. The aim of the article is to present the internal quality assessment of the Kaunas UAS study program “Software System” from the students’ point of view. In this case, feedback from 1st and 2nd year students on this study program was selected. The students’ survey was performed remotely by filling out questionnaires created with Google Forms. During the research, the strengths and areas of improvement of the study program, satisfaction with distance learning and its influence on the results of the subjects were analyzed. Statistical data analysis was used for students' survey results. The correlation coefficient was calculated to assess the statistical relationship between two aspects of the questionnaire. Students' point of view for the Software Systems study program quality assurance and distance learning are provided. The recommendation about the future improvement for internal quality and distance learning are provided. The future possibilities of distance learning are discussed. The majority of students (60%) are satisfied with the distance learning because this opened up wider possibilities to plan their time and master new learning methods.</p> Aušra Žvironienė Gintarė Jurkševičiūtė ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2021-12-13 2021-12-13 5 38 44