Innovations in Publishing, Printing and Multimedia Technologies 2024-07-25T10:34:54+00:00 dr. Daiva Sajek Open Journal Systems <p>Peer-reviewed scientific journal “Innovations in Publishing, Printing and Multimedia Technologies” (ISSN 2029-4638, eISSN2538-8622) is a periodical publication of original scientific papers. It has been issued annually since 2008. The articles are published in English (until 2021 – in English and Russian).<br> This periodical publication of scientific papers is based on the proceedings of the conference “Innovations in Publishing, Printing and Multimedia Technologies”. The international scientific-practical conference “Innovations in Publishing, Printing and Multimedia Technologies” (IPPMT) is the annual event of the Informatics and Media Technology Department of the Faculty of Technology at Kauno kolegija HEI organised in cooperation with foreign partners.<br>Each article is evaluated by at least two external reviewers. The journal uses double-blind peer review. Authors are recommended to improve the articles according to the reviewers’ remarks or provide arguments why they do not agree with them. The final decision is made by the editorial board. The articles published or submitted to other journals are not accepted.<br> The manuscripts submitted by authors are checked by a text-matching tool Turnitin. The papers with the evidence of plagiarism detected are rejected. The responsibility for the originality of the content lies on the author/s, who sign a Letter of Guarantee. The journal gives authors the right to distribute their article without any restrictions.<br> The journal provides open access to peer-reviewed articles. The author publishes his original article in the journal and retains copyright. The users use the publication online for free.<br> Topics of the conference and publication:<br> • Computer-aided design for graphics, digital media and advertising;<br> • Innovations of prepress and printing processes, advertising production;<br> • Multimedia products for the media, television, internet and social networks;<br> • Publishing, printing, IT and multimedia technologies in science and studies;<br> • Print quality, standardization, management of media companies and processes;<br> • Visual media communication, innovations and impact on society.<br> The proceedings of previous conferences are available online<br> Publication documents: <br> <a href="">Requirements for Articles</a>; <a href="">Letter of Guarantee</a>; <a href="">Information about Author (s) and Article</a>; <a href="">Article Review Form</a></p> <p>Recenzuojamas mokslinis žurnalas „Innovations in Publishing, Printing and Multimedia Technologies” (liet. „Inovacijos leidybos, poligrafijos ir multimedijos technologijose”) (ISSN 2029-4638, eISSN 2538-8622) yra periodinis originalių mokslo darbų leidinys, leidžiamas kasmet nuo 2008 m. Straipsniai publikuojami anglų kalba (2008 - 2021 m. – anglų ir rusų kalbomis).<br> Šis periodinis mokslo darbų leidinys yra sudaromas tarptautinės mokslinės-praktinės konferencijos „Innovations in Publishing, Printing and Multimedia Technologies” (IPPMT) straipsnių pagrindu. Ši konferencija yra kasmetinis Kauno kolegijos Technologijų fakulteto Informatikos ir Medijų technologijų katedros renginys, organizuojamas bendradarbiaujant su užsienio partneriais.<br>Visus žurnale publikuojamus straipsnius recenzuoja ne mažiau kaip du išoriniai recenzentai. Žurnale taikomas dvigubas aklasis recenzavimas. Autoriai turi pataisyti straipsnius, atsižvelgdami į recenzijose pateiktas pastabas arba motyvuotai paaiškinti, kodėl į pastabas neatsižvelgta. Sprendimą dėl straipsnio publikavimo žurnale priima žurnalo redakcinė kolegija. Anksčiau skelbti arba kitų leidinių redakcijoms įteikti darbai nepriimami.<br> Autorių pateikti rankraščiai tikrinami teksto sutapties nustatymo įrankiu&nbsp;Turnitin ir nustačius plagiato atvejus yra atmetami. Galutinę atsakomybę už straipsnio turinio originalumą prisiima straipsnio autorius (autoriai), pasirašydamas(i) garantinį raštą.<br> Žurnalas suteikia autoriams teisę savo straipsnį įkelti į institucinę talpyklą ar kitaip platinti be jokių apribojimų.<br> Žurnalas atvirajai prieigai teikia jau recenzuotus straipsnius. Autorius paskelbia savo pirminį originalų straipsnį žurnale ir išsaugo autorines teises, o vartotojai nemokamai naudojasi šia informacija internete.<br> Konferencijos ir mokslo darbų leidinio tematika:<br> • Kompiuterinis dizainas spaudai, medijoms ir reklamai;<br> • Inovacijos ikispaustuviniuose ir spaudos procesuose bei reklamos gamyboje;<br> • Multimedijos produktai žiniasklaidai, televizijai, internetui ir socialiniams tinklams;<br> • Leidyba, spauda, IT ir multimedjos technologijos moksle ir studijose;<br> • Spaudos kokybė, standartizacija, medijų kompanijų ir procesų vadyba;<br> • Vizualių medijų komunikacija, inovacijos ir poveikis visuomenei.<br> Ankstesnių konferencijų straipsnių rinkinius galite rasti</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Security monitoring via sound analysis and voice identification with artificial intelligence 2024-07-09T12:04:49+00:00 Ivelina Balabanova Kristina Sidorova Georgi Georgiev <p>The article demonstrates the possibility of monitoring user access through authentication based on voice profiles using the means of Artificial Intelligence. A two-stage approach is proposed for sound analysis and voice recognition using Feed-Forward Neural Networks (FFNNs) and Cascade-Forward Neural Networks (CFNNs). Seven test voice profiles were pre-processed to extract quantitative sound features. The procedure involves registration of a set of sound parameters concerning three categories, respectively, for all audio and acoustic measurements in the entire sound spectrum, measurements up to and above 100 dBA. The neural architectures were trained with Scaled Gradient Descent (SCG) and Levenberg Marquardt (LM) algorithms, using different transfer functions in the output structural layers. In the initial phase of neural training, the entire sound spectrum of registered indicators was used, and high levels of Accuracy around 90.0% were reached. Subsequently, steps were taken to reduce the informative features when searching for similar levels of accuracy in order to limit the necessary computational procedures in neural training, but maintain the threshold of successful user authentication. In the analysis of neural performance, in addition to accuracy, additional criteria were used, namely Mean-Squared Error (MSE) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). About the achieved and analyzed results, a synthesis was conducted of a set of four informative features with the highest significance, respectively LAE (A-weighted, sound exposure level), Laeq (A-weighted, equivalent sound level), LAF (A-weighted, fast time-constant, sound level) and LAS (A-weighted, slow time constant response, sound level). In the course of subsequent neural training processes, unsuitability was found when using the Log-sigmoid activation type with greatly underestimated accuracy readings and errors below 58.0% and above thresholds of 0.2300 and 0.4800. Positive performance indicators of voice recognition were achieved with Softmax and Hyperbolic tangent sigmoid activations in SCG and LM training procedures in levels of accuracy of 98.7 % and 96.1 % at FFNN models. Successful correct recognition of the test voice profiles on access and security personalization with a quantitative equivalent of 100.0 % accuracy was achieved in the Linear transfer function for Cascade-Forward Neural Networks. The proposed method and the synthesized neural models in the research can be used as units and modules in access control systems with biometric diagnostics and intelligent recognition of employees in company departments to electronically store classified information and physical access control.</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of the quality of reproduction on a graphic product with more positive environmental aspects 2024-07-25T10:33:39+00:00 Irena Bates Ivana Plazonić Maja Rudolf Martin Gotlin <p>In recent years, there has been a growing trend worldwide to replace traditional wood fibres as a raw material for paper production with non-wood fibres. By using alternative sources of cellulose fibres for paper production, such as cereal straw, deforestation is reduced, which is one of the positive environmental aspects of producing a of a graphic product with such a composition. Another positive environmental aspect of the graphic product produced in this way is the elimination of the bleaching process in paper production, which has a positive effect on reducing chemical pollution. In the paper manufacturing process, the paper used for printing usually goes through a bleaching process that reduces the yellowish tone of the paper and increases light emission, brightness and contrast. However, looking at the matter from a different perspective, especially for small-scale production, the process of paper whitening can also be done differently, namely by coating the paper with a white pigment. The aim of this research was to analyse whether it is possible to achieve the same reproduction quality with one or two layers of titanium dioxide on non-wood paper substrates as on commercially available standard paper type 7 according to ISO 12647. The reproduction quality was tested by analysing the reproduction of lines printed in different sizes using piezo inkjet technology. Double-coated samples achieved 2.6 % better results than single-coated samples. The result closest to the reference sample PS7 was obtained with a paper containing 10 % wheat straw and coated with two layers of titanium dioxide. The results obtained show that the proportion of wheat pulp does not lead to a deterioration in the quality of line reproduction in the prints.</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Better representation of the limits of RGB and CMYK colour spaces 2024-07-25T10:34:54+00:00 Christian Greim <p>Limits of RGB colour spaces are normally displayed as triangles in the CIE Yxy colour space. This type of diagram has the advantage that additive colour mixtures from two light sources actually all lie in a straight line. But CIE-Yxy colour space does not have uniform colour distances. So, a representation in other colour spaces with better equal spacing, such as CIE-Lab, shows better how good or bad the colour spaces really are.<br>Limits of an offset CMYK colour space were usually determined only at the six corners of the primary colours and the first-order mixed colours in CIELab. It is much more meaningful to determine the limits of the most saturated colours in 10% increments.<br>The new visualisations were created using the Python library The possibilities and limitations of this library will also be briefly explained</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## A systematic approach to the quality assessment of printed products 2024-07-09T12:04:50+00:00 Svitlana Havenko Marta Labetska Mykola Havenko Yaroslav Boychuk Igor Karpa <p>Quality standards for the technological processes of the production of finished products are used in all countries of the world. Consumers of printing and packaging products are increasingly demanding ISO 9001 quality system certificates from manufacturing companies. It should be noted that international and national standards use different approaches to the standardization of processes and products, and the content of project management. To meet the demands of consumers, which are constantly increasing, quality management should be carried out based on a set of scientifically based principles, which can be divided into system-wide and special. The problem is relevant for modern Ukrainian enterprises, where, on the one hand, they need serious changes in the organizational structure, corporate culture, style and methods of project management; and on the other hand, compliance with the ratio of responsibility for quality between the management system and performers.<br>Evaluation of the quality of printed products at the current stage requires the application of the principles of a systematic approach, based on the principles of which it is possible to build a coherent, logically completed methodological system of quality indicators of a specific type of product. This will also make it possible to justify the problem of choosing certain methods and will give a normative and regulatory character to those indicators that are not reflected in the standards but are important for the practical use of products.<br>To create one or another model of the system, it is first necessary to carry out its verbal and informational description and tuple recording. The components of a verbal informational description usually reflect a description of the external environment, and the system’s connections with it; identification of the relationship between factors, characteristics of the variability of factors; elementary composition of the system, and its parts; description of connections between elements of the system and subsystems; operation of the system, i.e. description of the process of functioning and development of the system. The tuple record of the system model of the quality assessment takes into account the classification characteristics of products, the set of “inputs” and “outputs” of the system; а set of variable parameters and processes.<br>The goals of quality management at each stage of the technological process for each specific type of printed product can be individual. To cover the management of all stages of the life cycle of media or packaging products within the subsystems of the quality system, it is necessary to perform a full set of special (specific) quality management functions. The matrix method or elements of the ISO 9000 series system can be used to form these functions.</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The influence of the textile substrate color on the contrast of thermochromic prints 2024-07-09T12:04:50+00:00 Katarina Maričić Nemanja Kašiković Teodora Gvoka Gordana Bošnjaković <p>Thermochromic inks have attracted much attention due to their application in various fields, including the textile industry. The application of these colors in sports clothing enables the monitoring of the athlete’s physiological state through the possibility of changing the color of the material under the influence of skin temperature. Due to the printing of thermochromic inks on textile materials used for visual control, there is a need to analyze the contrast of the printed elements. Contrast plays a significant role in visually highlighting shapes and details and also facilitates the recognition of printed parts and information on textile materials. Contrast analysis of thermochromic inks on different colors of textile materials plays a role in determining the optimal combination of base colors and thermochromic inks that will result in the most noticeable color change. This analysis allows designers and manufacturers to make good decisions about choosing the colors of textile materials when printing with thermochromic inks because, in this way, a high level of aesthetics and functionality is achieved. This work aims to compare and analyze the contrast of thermochromic inks on different colors of the substrate of different types of materials, as well as to determine whether the color of the fabric on which the thermochromic ink is printed affects the color contrast when it is changed, i.e., its discoloration and return to its original state. Magenta reversible thermochromic water-based leuco dye was used to print the samples. The work used textile materials for printing with different structures and different colors. The colors were chosen to be bright and to provide a good contrast with the magenta color so that their combination attracts the viewer’s attention and can create a strong visual effect. Colorimetric and contrast analyses determined that the color of the substrate is dependent on the contrast value. In the case of polyester textile material, the white color of the substrate showed the highest contrast values. On the other hand, in the case of printed samples on a material made of a mixture of polyester and elastane, it can be concluded that the gray color of the substrate gives the highest contrast values. In conclusion, the research highlights the importance of choosing colors and materials to achieve optimal results in the design and production of textile materials with thermochromic inks.</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Recent progress in the development of coatings for paper food packaging applications 2024-07-09T12:04:51+00:00 Aida Michailidou Stamatina Theohari <p>Relevance and aim of the research: Many types of coatings have been developed to meet the demanding needs and properties of paper-based packaging, which is the most widely used sustainable category of food packaging. The purpose of this paper is to list and classify special sustainable coatings, such as bio-based coatings and coatings based on nanomaterials (NPs) that provide barrier, optical, mechanical, anti-microbial and other properties as well as additional functions to the final product for food paper packaging. <br> Methodology and results: The study is an overview of the previously published works on trends and challenges in the development of healthy and eco-friendly for sustainable food paper packaging applications, which are green alternatives to conventional coatings. As known, paper/paperboard packaging, because of its structure made from cellulose fibers, is naturally sensitive to microbial attack due to the poor barrier properties (i.e., hydrophilicity, porosity, low grease resistance, high absorptivity to gases and water vapors). Thus, paper packages must be properly coated to withstand and keep the food safe, preventing temperature, humidity and other factors of the surrounding from affecting the composition of packaged food. However, the current market is based on the application of commonly used coatings, which are typically made from fossil oil or synthetic polymers, waxes and /or fluor-derivatives that improve surface hydrophobicity and barrier properties. Nowadays, the use of these materials is limited because of problems arising from fossil-oil resources, poor recyclability, and environmental issues. Therefore, these coatings must be replaced by new materials, with high biodegradability, recyclability and compostability features. Recent studies are focused on biopolymers including polysaccharides such as chitosan, starch, etc., proteins such as whey, wheat gluten, and zein, polyesters as polylactic acid (PLA), polycaprolactone (PCL), and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) that are investigated to formulate coatings with barrier properties for food packaging paper. Petroleum-based polymers are commonly used in paper coating. Due to the good affinity with the substrate, they create suitable barriers to gases and aroma and increase the mechanical strength of the paper packaging. Moreover, biopolymer products have been developed as counterparts to smoothly replace petroleum-based polymers., they can be made from natural raw materials and sources, such as vegetal and marine biomass, this way they can be biodegradable, nontoxic. Additionally, they act as a basis for the incorporation of additives with specific functions for coated paper (ie, active-antimicrobial properties). The methods of chemical modification and combination as well as the processing and production of these new coatings for paper packaging are still under investigation. The addition of certain nanoparticles (NPs) such as metals and oxides in biopolymers and green coatings could be advantageous to add value and enhance the processing, performance and functionality of food paper packaging.<br>Conclusions &amp; practical implications: The application of coatings on paperbased food packaging is extensively investigated to replace petrochemical derivatives by choosing environmentally friendly alternatives that come from natural and renewable resources. These options determine the ultimate recyclability, biodegradability and even compostability of the final product. The incorporation of certain nanomaterials in the coatings promises to provide a wide range of enhanced properties and improve barrier characteristics of the paper-based food packaging.</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Leveraging the teamwork model for effective integration of interactive materials on mobile devices in visual media communication, innovation, and impact on society 2024-07-09T12:04:51+00:00 Luis Ochoa Siguencia <p>The issue of waste in printed materials can be effectively addressed by leveraging technology, especially mobile devices, in language learning initiatives. This research focuses on integrating interactive materials through the TEAMWORK model, with the ELENE project serving as a case study. The overarching goal is to assess how the TEAMWORK model can streamline planning and execution in mobile-assisted language learning endeavours. By evaluating effectiveness, identifying challenges and best practices, and offering practical recommendations, this study aims to improve language education outcomes through technology integration while reducing the environmental impact associated with traditional printed materials. The research methodology involves a thorough examination of integrating interactive materials on mobile devices using the TEAMWORK model, with a specific focus on the ELENE project. It commences with a comprehensive literature review and progresses to qualitative data collection through interviews and observations. The TEAMWORK model serves as a guiding framework for planning and execution, with data gathered through surveys and usage analytics. Analysis techniques are employed to evaluate the model’s impact on project outcomes and to derive practical recommendations for stakeholders, all aimed at enhancing language education practices and technology integration. <br>The research results highlight the effectiveness of integrating interactive materials on mobile devices using the TEAMWORK model, as evidenced by the ELENE project. Qualitative analysis revealed that the structured approach provided by the TEAMWORK model significantly improved planning and execution phases, leading to better project outcomes and increased learner engagement. Quantitative data further corroborated these findings, demonstrating measurable enhancements in language proficiency and user satisfaction. Challenges such as technical constraints and resource limitations were effectively managed through proactive risk mitigation strategies outlined by the model. Overall, the results underscore the value of the TEAMWORK model in optimizing mobile-assisted language learning initiatives and offer valuable insights for stakeholders involved in similar endeavours. The integration of interactive materials on mobile devices, guided by the TEAMWORK model within the ELENE project, has significantly improved language learning outcomes. Through structured planning and execution, the TEAMWORK model effectively enhanced project outcomes and increased learner engagement. Practical implications include actionable recommendations for stakeholders involved in similar projects, offering insights for maximizing the effectiveness of technology integration in language education.</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Stability of the cash register receipt depending on the thermal paper used 2024-07-09T12:04:51+00:00 Ivana Plazonić Željka Barbarić-Mikočević Magdalena Kralj <p>The consumption of thermal paper has globally increased due to a wide variety of commercial applications including point-of-sale (POS) receipts, luggage tags, faxes, and labels. This type of paper is specially used for cash register printing paper and therefore its quality directly affects the quality of printing, stability and resistance during storage of receipt printouts. Often such prints end up in the trashcan very quickly after a purchase, but sometimes is an interest in saving them after buying products that have a guaranteed period of 2 years or more. Therefore, in this study, the comparison of two different cash register thermal papers (white and blue) was made based on paper characteristics, while the stability on them printed receipt was determined based on the change in colorimetric values after their exposure to a certain treatment. Three types of stability analysis were done which include sample exposure to light, pressure and water. Since colorimetric changes in the colour of cash register thermal paper and receipt are a visible sign of their quality degradation, the influence of contact with water, pressure and light was observed through ΔE*00. Under the influence of water and light cash register receipt on white thermal paper faded but stayed permanent on blue one. Also, receipts printed on blue thermal paper were more stable to rub and there was less colour transfer. It has been proven that blue cash register thermal paper is more stable than white one, and so are the receipts printed on that type of thermal paper.</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Study on the quality of reproduction of graphical linear micro-images using electrophotographic printing 2024-07-09T12:04:51+00:00 Daiva Sajek Virginijus Valčiukas Gitana Ginevičienė Vidas Vainoras <p>Today’s market of visual graphic communication includes many various advertising, publishing and packaging products printed on different materials. Many products are printed using conventional printing technologies such as offset printing or flexography, in addition to digital ones like Electrophotography and Ink Jet.<br>The graphic images on prints often contain extremely fine graphic details, such as micro-lines or micro-text elements, which are part of various identification, security markings, codes, etc. It is a very important task to optimally model these micro-images on printed graphic communication products at the design stage, in order to ensure their brightness, legibility and geometric dimensions meet the requirements, not only immediately after printing, but also, for example, after a certain period during the life cycle of the printed product after exposure to the sunlight spectrum, or to other mechanical or environmental effects.<br>This paper presents a methodology and results for the assessment of the quality of the reproduction of fine image details, i.e. the micro-lines of different widths arranged on the print in different directions. A specially developed original digital press quality control wedge with monochromatic micro-lines, microtext and screen dots bars of CMYK colours was applied to assess the accuracy of micro-image reproduction. In this part of the study, the wedge fields with positive micro-lines arranged in different directions individually and in groups were analysed. The width of the micro-lines was measured under the microscope to assess the accuracy of the dimensional reproduction and the deviations from the nominal value. To assess the influence of different parameters of the system “printing press-paper-inks” on the reproduction of image microelements, the prints for this part of the study were printed using electrophotographic printing techniques on different dry-toner printing presses on different types of paper.<br>The width and deviations of the micro-lines on the print were measured along the print direction, perpendicular and at 45˚ to the print direction. Measurements of the reproduction accuracy of monochrome micro-line images, printed on dry-toner electrophotographic presses, showed that the accuracy of micro-line reproduction depends not only on the printing system, its resolution and the characteristics of the paper, but also on the direction of the positioning of the micro-lines on the printed sheet.<br>The obtained results allow us to compare the capability of digital printing systems to reproduce linear micro-images on visual graphic communication products of any size and geometric orientation, to select optimal systems for printing specific products, and to model the layout of micro-images on products at the design stage, by assessing the orientation of the micro-images on the printed sheet.</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Criteria for selecting artificial intelligence tools 2024-07-18T06:47:27+00:00 Lina Šarlauskienė Samanta Dagytė <p>Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a transformative force across numerous sectors, from healthcare and finance to automotive and public services. The selection and deployment of AI tools are critical to leveraging this technology’s potential while adhering to ethical standards, regulatory compliance, and ensuring societal benefit. The European Union (EU) has been at the forefront of establishing frameworks and criteria to guide the development, deployment, and selection of AI systems to foster innovation while protecting citizens’ rights and societal values. The EU’s proactive stance in establishing these criteria aims to balance innovation with ethical considerations and societal welfare, setting a benchmark for responsible AI development and deployment globally. The aim of the article is to present general criteria for the selection of artificial intelligence tools, as well as those specific to the field of publishing. The research was carried out based on the analysis of scientific and other sources. The results of the study can be useful for organizations and individuals that must be interested in selecting and using the right AI tools.</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Study of the mechanical properties of cardboard with barrier properties 2024-07-09T12:04:52+00:00 Dominyka Vaičiūtė Laura Gegeckienė Ingrida Venytė <p>The aim of this study is to test and compare the mechanical properties of the cardboard selected for the tests and to determine the best type of material. As cardboard is used in a wide range of industries for the packaging of goods, it is important to determine which of the types of cardboard tested is the most resistant to wear and the least deformable under changing environmental conditions. It is also important to compare and identify what improvements could be made to existing materials to make the board durable and environmentally friendly. To conduct the experiment of this study, four types of cardboard with barrier properties were used. For all the tests sample groups of different cardboards with different barrier properties were prepared and the specimens were stored and acclimatised under the same conditions before the tests. Specific software and devices were used to determine the final results. Selected types of tests were chosen to compare the types of cardboard as they are close to the real-life use of the packaging. After obtaining results of selected tests, compared values have shown that there were no significant changes, but there were some differences in the strength properties, which could be mainly due to the different mechanical properties of each type of paperboard. As a result, one type of paperboard was superior in both resistance and wetting tests. To conclude, this study, which was carried out to compare the strength properties of four different types of cardboard and their behaviour caused by changed surroundings demonstrates that all the types of tested cardboards are proper for use but need to be protected from direct wetting or wearing and tearing. Furthermore, this study helped to obtain new directions and ideas on how cardboard could be improved and made an even more resilient but environmentally friendly material and how it could be improved and applied in industrial companies in the future.</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##