Focus and Scope
Peer-reviewed the proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Innovative (Eco-) Technology, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development (IECOTERD)” (ISSN 2538-7936) has been issued annually since 2014. The articles are published in English and Russian.
The international scientific-practical conference “Innovative (Eco-) Technology, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development” is the annual event of the Technology Faculty at Kauno Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences organized in cooperation with foreign partners.

Topics of the proceedings:
• Regional economics and management of technologies
• Language teaching and communication technologies.
• Application of advanced technologies in the medicine, biomedicine and sport
• Food technologies and innovations.
• Computerscience, application and future development.
• (Eco)materials and technologies and it application for energy sources.
• Mikro, nano materials, physical properties and application in different technological fields.
• Information technologies in mathematics and measurement engineering
• New technological and engineering solutions and advanced materials.

The manuscripts submitted by the authors are verified by plagiarization verification system and plagiarized cases are discarded. The responsibility for the originality of the contents lies on the author/s.
The proceedings of previous conferences are available online

Publication documents

requirements for the articlepaper example; article review form.