Peculiarities and methods of students’ creative project activities

  • Dovilė Vilkienė Kauno kolegija HEI, Faculty of Arts and Education
  • Gerūta Sprindytė Kauno kolegija HEI, Faculty of Arts and Education
Keywords: project, peculiarities, methods, creativity


The aim: To analyse the factors that reveal students’ creativity in the project activities.
Project activities promote students’ responsibility, cooperation and creativity. Each project faces certain constraints, including scope, goals, and available resources. Working within a specific and defined project activity format, students look for ways and opportunities to reveal and express their ideas within a specified period, using particular materials, in order to achieve the goals set. The article presents insights on how to help students collaborate and engage in the creative process and methods how to encourage, motivate and unleash everyone’s potential. The article analyses the peculiarities and methods of creative project activity, and the role of the teacher in involving and encouraging students to cooperate, work towards common goals, delegate tasks, and take responsibility.



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How to Cite
Vilkienė, D., & Sprindytė, G. (2023). Peculiarities and methods of students’ creative project activities. Innovations in Publishing, Printing and Multimedia Technologies, 89-96.