A systematic approach to the quality assessment of printed products

  • Svitlana Havenko Ukrainian Academy of Printing
  • Marta Labetska Ukrainian Academy of Printing
  • Mykola Havenko Ukrainian Academy of Printing
  • Yaroslav Boychuk Ukrainian Academy of Printing
  • Igor Karpa Ukrainian Academy of Printing
Keywords: systematic approach, quality, printed products, standard


Quality standards for the technological processes of the production of finished products are used in all countries of the world. Consumers of printing and packaging products are increasingly demanding ISO 9001 quality system certificates from manufacturing companies. It should be noted that international and national standards use different approaches to the standardization of processes and products, and the content of project management. To meet the demands of consumers, which are constantly increasing, quality management should be carried out based on a set of scientifically based principles, which can be divided into system-wide and special. The problem is relevant for modern Ukrainian enterprises, where, on the one hand, they need serious changes in the organizational structure, corporate culture, style and methods of project management; and on the other hand, compliance with the ratio of responsibility for quality between the management system and performers.
Evaluation of the quality of printed products at the current stage requires the application of the principles of a systematic approach, based on the principles of which it is possible to build a coherent, logically completed methodological system of quality indicators of a specific type of product. This will also make it possible to justify the problem of choosing certain methods and will give a normative and regulatory character to those indicators that are not reflected in the standards but are important for the practical use of products.
To create one or another model of the system, it is first necessary to carry out its verbal and informational description and tuple recording. The components of a verbal informational description usually reflect a description of the external environment, and the system’s connections with it; identification of the relationship between factors, characteristics of the variability of factors; elementary composition of the system, and its parts; description of connections between elements of the system and subsystems; operation of the system, i.e. description of the process of functioning and development of the system. The tuple record of the system model of the quality assessment takes into account the classification characteristics of products, the set of “inputs” and “outputs” of the system; а set of variable parameters and processes.
The goals of quality management at each stage of the technological process for each specific type of printed product can be individual. To cover the management of all stages of the life cycle of media or packaging products within the subsystems of the quality system, it is necessary to perform a full set of special (specific) quality management functions. The matrix method or elements of the ISO 9000 series system can be used to form these functions.


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How to Cite
Havenko, S., Labetska, M., Havenko, M., Boychuk, Y., & Karpa, I. (2024). A systematic approach to the quality assessment of printed products. Innovations in Publishing, Printing and Multimedia Technologies, 41-50. https://doi.org/10.59476/ilpmt2024.41-50