The article deals with the issue of homework in general and the role of English homework in particular. Homework being a part of teaching/learning process at school plays a number of roles that are attributed to the nature and the reasons of homework assignment and the reasons are such as reinforcing material, introducing to new material, increasing skills, applying the learned in new situations, helping to improve time management skills and domestic communication . Homework helps to improve not only academic skills but it also develops learners’ personality, character features as well as social skills. The article suggests the theoretical review of the concept of homework, the role and reason of assigning the latter. It also suggests the results of the research that was performed applying two approaches of investigation: quantitative (survey with a questionnaire and statistic analysis methods) and qualitative (interview and content analysis methods). The survey that was carried out among basic school pupils revealed the fact that the pupils indicated the two types of reasons they have for doing English homework: academic reasons and social reasons. Moreover, it was concluded that basic school pupils do not argue the importance of the role of homework in the English learning process; however, they accept the fact that there are various obstacles that minimize the success of and benefit of home activities and these obstacles are of three types: academic, obstacles of management and psychological obstacles. The interview performed among basic school teachers of English allowed to state that the role the homework in the English teaching process is of great importance and there is a number of reasons for assigning it according their professional experience. The category of the reasons of allotting English homework contains the following subcategories: homework style, i.e. analysis of topic and practical nature of tasks, reasons why homework is given, i.e. using of, looking for supplementary measures, consolidation of previous topics and class work is not completed, and significance of homework, i.e. promotion of self-sufficiency and particularities of the lesson.Downloads
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How to Cite
Lelešienė, L., & Jasnauskaitė, R. (2016). THE ROLE OF ENGLISH HOMEWORK IN THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS IN THE BASIC SCHOOL. Mokslo Taikomieji Tyrimai / Applied Research, 1(10). Retrieved from
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